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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Short Story: The Shackle

Last week, we were given the assignment to make a 60 second film based on a mystery item. My group and I chose a cheaply made shackle. At first, we found it difficult to write a plausible story that revolved around a plastic toy, but this is what we came up with:

The story is of a boy who tries out for the track team but is much slower than the rest of the athletes. After a sassy girl insults him, he is surprised to find a shackle on his foot. The shackle is a metaphor for his own insecurities spurred by the harsh words of the sassy girl. The boy gives up and eats a cupcake whilst crying. I thought it would add another dimension to the film if it were black and white and silent. I think it works well with the nature of the film and also the choice of music. The teacher discouraged our idea which was kind of oppressive but we stuck to the original plan. 

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a sad princess, likes the ocean, dislikes people, likes art, scared of the dark, dislikes school, likes slugs, caterpillars, moths, and blood, likes to eat sweet things

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