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Sunday, February 24, 2013


Everyone should start the day with dancing and tea. And end the day with walks and Tchaikovsky and kisses.

I believe that music truly has healing properties on life. Music that resonates with a you can completely change your mood and outlook on everything and in my opinion, good music makes you a better person.

Studies have shown that music releases endorphins in the brain which counteracts pain and has a longterm effect on overall happiness. Many hospitals are beginning to use music therapy as a complement to anesthesia during childbirth.

Music also decreases levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. Lower levels of cortisol can improve immune health.

I don't really know much about music/human anatomy/brain waves/anything but I also believe that music enhances emotional/spiritual health. Music helps us make connections between ourselves and nature and other people and other places and helps us realize that we aren't alone or that we are alone (whichever you prefer).

Music to dance to:
  • Grimes
  • The Vaccines
  • M.I.A.
  • Kindness
  • Stepdad
  • Surfer Blood
  • Tchaikovsky
  • MGMT
  • Davidian
  • Denver
  • your own thoughts

Music to cry to:
  • you can cry to everything
  • Crying Nut
  • Nagisa Ni Te
  • Sugar Plant

Guide to Life:
  • The Smiths
  • Lykke Li
  • The Shins
  • Horse Feathers
  • Patti Smith
  • Lady of The Sunshine
  • Tablo
(and more that I can't think of right now!!!)


Recently, in English, we have been writing short stories. My first idea for the assignment did not work out so instead I wrote a short poem inspired by it. Here it is:


a sea-girl drifts asleep upon a watery bed.
light cascades in ribbons
through her tangled hair.
each strand a thread of silk in a crystal cup.
she lies coiled around green weeds,
and through her troubled slumber,
cries softly from salt-glistened eyes
tears of pearls,
which form rounded mounds
upon the sandy floor.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Short Story: The Shackle

Last week, we were given the assignment to make a 60 second film based on a mystery item. My group and I chose a cheaply made shackle. At first, we found it difficult to write a plausible story that revolved around a plastic toy, but this is what we came up with:

The story is of a boy who tries out for the track team but is much slower than the rest of the athletes. After a sassy girl insults him, he is surprised to find a shackle on his foot. The shackle is a metaphor for his own insecurities spurred by the harsh words of the sassy girl. The boy gives up and eats a cupcake whilst crying. I thought it would add another dimension to the film if it were black and white and silent. I think it works well with the nature of the film and also the choice of music. The teacher discouraged our idea which was kind of oppressive but we stuck to the original plan. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bruléed Grapefruit !! ❀❀❀❀❀❀

Ni hao, this is Amy and I want to share a super cute recipe today. Lately, I have been suffering the effects of cold weather and limited sunshine: a compromised immune system and seasonal depression. Because I wake up at 5 am and get home at 5 pm, I rarely get any sunshine. This lack of vitamin D in addition to the copious amounts of schoolwork my teachers have given in the past few weeks makes me feel a bit off. Anyway, I think enjoying a few simple pleasures each day really helps to loosen me up and raise my spirits. Most recently, I have been enjoying bruléed grapefruit, a tart and fruity snack that is just as healthy as it is beautiful.

It's easy to prepare and super super fast. All you do is cut a grapefruit in half and liberally sprinkle sugar on to the cut face. Then, put it in the oven for 4-6 minutes on the broil setting. Variations of this depend on your own liking as you can use honey or maple syrup and you can also sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg.

Remember to watch the grapefruit very carefully as it burns easily!!

Also, you can use a kitchen torch to make this as you would creme brûlée, but this method will not heat the grapefruit thoroughly.

I find that cooking the grapefruit intensifies the natural orangey-pink color of the citrus. The best way to eat it is simply with a spoon but I bet it would taste good with vanilla ice cream too!

Oh, or maybe you could use an orange or some other fruit like a plum or some figs! I will put up some pictures of this recipe tomorrow. Stay healthy everyone 


a sad princess, likes the ocean, dislikes people, likes art, scared of the dark, dislikes school, likes slugs, caterpillars, moths, and blood, likes to eat sweet things

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