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Saturday, December 15, 2012

so the world isn't ending I guess

So I'm pretty sure that the world isn't going to end next Friday, no matter how much I wish it would. According to NASA, "the world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012."

Here is the article.

I can't say I'm truly disappointed because I didn't actually ever believe that the sun would really go out on Dec. 21st or that the Earth would experience a polar shift so drastic that it would cause a flurry of natural disasters. I merely fantasized about disappearing in a flash of white light along with the rest of the planet and hopefully being reborn as a rock on Neptune or something like that. 

Rocks have no burdens. They simply exist. And some rocks are beautiful like crystals or gems and some rocks are stars or meteors. Over time they are worn down into grains of sand whirling around in space until lots of grains build up each other to make new rocks. Planets all started out as just one little grain of sand. 

Thinking about the end of the world triggers me a little. Instead, I'll write an optimistic list:

Why I Am Glad The World Probably Won't End:
  1. I haven't seen Lykke Li live
  2. My mom owes me 8 dollars
  3. I want to grow taller
  4. I need to practice doing splits because I can only do the splits with my left leg forward, not right
  5. never kissed a boy! me! never! nope! 
  6. I want to try every flavor of cake in the whole world 
  7. My other blog has 350 followers 
  8. Living isn't so bad if you pretend you are a tree or some other plant
  9. there are so many pretty things to see on Earth
  10. I want to grow up and get a job and live in nyc or tokyo or paris or shanghai and buy expensive clothes and be kind of sad but still happy
  11. I want to live to see scientists discover mermaids

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a sad princess, likes the ocean, dislikes people, likes art, scared of the dark, dislikes school, likes slugs, caterpillars, moths, and blood, likes to eat sweet things

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