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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Past Times

I am a bit late on this update as I have not had power in a few days due to Sandy. Deepest condolences to those injured by the severe weather,

Luckily, my weekend consisted of just some heavy rain and warm tea.

I predict that the months ahead will bring poor weather as well, so here are a few suggestions for how to stay happy and relaxed even if the world outside is cold and gray.

1. Bake something sweet to share! We have two recipes in previous posts for you to check out~

2. Do some sun salutations. They are simple for even yoga beginners.

3. Read a book in a warm place. What better time to enjoy a nice story than when you are trapped indoors?

4. Catch up on homework.

Just kidding! No one likes homework. Instead, watch a movie! We recommend Moonrise Kingdom, directed by Wes Anderson.

5. Make something with your hands. Recently I made this smocked shirt.

May your rainy days be filled with joy!



a sad princess, likes the ocean, dislikes people, likes art, scared of the dark, dislikes school, likes slugs, caterpillars, moths, and blood, likes to eat sweet things

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